Product Care.

  • Wash Board

    Hand wash with lukewarm or cold water and a mild soap to clean board after use. Only use enough water to clean. NEVER put wooden boards in dishwasher. Never soak boards in water. Doing so could ruin the board finish or discolor boards.

  • Board Butter

    After washing gently with mild soap, allow board to dry then reapply board butter. Allow board to sit with product for 8-10 minutes, then buff off with clean, dry rag. Leaving on for longer will not damage the board. Once wiped off, store board as you normally would.

  • Enjoy your Board

    If you take care of your board, it will take care of you and your cutting or charcuterie need for years to come. Enjoy it, and use it. The more you use it the more of your character it will show. Be careful as to not cut or put acidic foods directly on the boards, they can strip away finish faster than other foods.